Thursday, June 28, 2007


My 26th birthday was on Monday. It was a great day! Thanks to everyone who called, e-mailed, or sent cards. In the evening, my parents took us to The Mandarin, this yummy Chinese place in Bountiful. Tyler and I ate the leftovers on Tuesday night, and they were almost as good as the night before. However, I woke up Wednesday morning feeling awful. I soon began having bouts of the runs and throwing up. It was no fun. I thought it was food poisoning, but Tyler seemed fine and had a pretty normal day at work. During Ada's morning nap I took a nap myself, making sure to leave a bowl on the floor. When I woke up, I stood up and walked around for a minute, then felt a sudden urge to puke, so I ran back to the bowl on the floor. I began throwing up, and then I PASSED OUT WITH MY FACE IN MY OWN VOMIT. I woke up wondering what the heck I was doing, and discovered vomit all over my face, in my hair, and on the floor. I then began vomiting again. As my brother-in-law Hyrum said, "That's how drunk people die!". Yes, it was quite an ordeal. Luckily that was the last of my excretions, but I was extremely weak with a fever and chills for the rest of the day. Then Tyler got home from work a few minutes early and said that he wasn't feeling well either. My food poisoning suspicions were confirmed (although Tyler said it could be a stomach flu bug. I don't think we'll ever know for sure). Sadly, his excretions were much more long-lasting than mine, beginning that night and continuing into today. Tonight we're both feeling quite a bit better, just trying to regain our strength. I can't imagine what was wrong with our leftovers because we put them in the fridge as soon as we got home. It was my first experience with food poisoning and hopefully my last. It was NO FUN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How utterly dreadful! Neal and I had a similar experience a little over a year ago, but not nearly so dramatic. I had thought that it was food poisoning, but couldn't understand how it could be. We think that it could have been a flu bug. If none of the other Mandarin partakers got sick, I'd stick with the flu theory.