This long-overdue post will probably be long, random, and scattered, but I need to get all this stuff down before I forget.
First, thanks to everyone for their sympathy regarding the sleep situation. It has been much better as of late. Kate has only been waking up once or twice a night (that is, until she got sick). Things are starting to look up.

Now on to the purpose of this post: Ada. Oh, she's a character. She was a pretty dramatic baby, but now the drama is present 24/7. Happy, sad, mad, you name it. The drama never ends. Here are a few examples:
*When Ada is happy, she's happy. Every day I have to put a princess dress on her. She walks around the house in her "glass slippers" (a pair of my shoes or her old pink sparkly ones that are too small) and says things like, "Oh, how lovely!" or, "How beautiful!" in a sing-song princess voice. The other day when Tyler got home from work, I told her to sit on the toilet to show Daddy how she could go pee-pee (potty training is NOT going well). She sat and soon started going. She said, "THAT'S how you do it, Daddy." Tyler gave lots of praise and went to get her a piece of candy. She got so excited and said, "Oh, and I will eat it perfectly! Thank you SO much!" She loves to eat princess fruit snacks and the other day she was sitting on the floor sorting them. She said, "The coaches are friends and the princesses are friends and the glass slippers are friends! (excited clapping) They're all friends together!" Ada loves Kate, and maybe a little too much. She tortures the poor thing until we get mad at her. She talks to Kate in a high-pitched voice, which is so cute because I know she's mimicking me.
*Ada has plenty of moments being sad. Despite her crazy demeanor, she is very sensitive. Sometimes it doesn't take much to make her sad, and then the quivering lip appears and the crocodile tears flow. Ada loves to act out scenes from Cinderella. One day she told me to be a mean step-sister. I did just what she asked and said something mean that they said in the movie. She did not like that and soon started crying. I felt so bad. Now every time we play Cinderella, she tells me to be "nice Anastasia".
*Ada gets mad very easily. If things don't go her way, you'll hear about it. I've written plenty in the past about her tantrums. She cries, throws things, closes doors, and moves furniture. It is quite a scene. Now when we play with her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Minnie is always mad. She asks me to play clubhouse with her several times a day. She plays with Minnie and I play with everyone else. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse now involves being mad at people, lots of crying, and time-out. Ada does a killer fake cry. It's very dramatic. So all day long, Minnie gets mad and is mean to people, and I have to do everything exactly how Ada wants or she throws a fit. It's not so fun anymore. I hope this behavior isn't an indication of days to come. I try to get her to play nice, but it doesn't work. Where does she come up with these things?

Ada has also been very obsessive-compulsive lately. As I mentioned, she has to wear a princess dress every day. Her pink one used to be her Sleeping Beauty dress, but now it's her Minnie dress, in addition to her pink church dress with polka dots. Most of the time she's wearing one of these pink dresses over her clothes or pajamas. She then has to wear one of Kate's headbands that matches a pink dress she got for Christmas. While she wears the pink dresses, she has to eat food on pink dishes with pink silverware and wear a pink bib. She picks all the pink crayons out of her crayon bucket and carries them around in a pink purse. She finds every pink item in her room and pushes them around in her shopping cart. Occasionally, she'll wear her blue Cinderella dress. Then she has to eat off of blue dishes and wear a blue bib. She freaks out if the blue or pink dishes are dirty. It's annoying, but rather funny. I'm sure when she's older I'll miss these days!