Monday, January 26, 2015

June 2014--end of school and soccer party

Ada finished second grade and Kate finished kindergarten! Kate participated in a kindergarten graduation program. Since we were on A track, we finished school before the other tracks, so Kate's class was the only one participating. The program was in the library instead of the auditorium. We miss year round!

Ada's last day

Kate's last day

In her "cap"

With cute Lauren and Rora, whom she walked home with every day. Rora gave these candy necklaces to her friends

Cute Madame Taylor. She went to teach at Odyssey, so we miss seeing her around. Ada also had her for kindergarten

Kate and Addi. Addi is also at Odyssey this year

Kate's soccer coach had a party at his house for the Purple Unicorns. They played and watched a movie outside.The team somehow missed picture day, so they all brought their shirts to put on for  pics at the party

Addison, Adelyn, Sammy, Lauren, Rora, Kate, Berklie, and Emily

The team with coaches Skee and Enos

Kate with her medal

1 comment:

Bel said...

I didn't know if I would like year around a few years ago when we were at Foxboro but I loved it as well. It's the best for traveling, sorry they teased you and took it away :(