Monday, March 23, 2009

The poop scoop

Update on the potty training: it's going pretty well. Things went south after the last time I wrote, but they're looking up again. Ada had several accidents after that, mostly when she was really mad or distracted by a movie. Friday night I made the mistake of letting her open her grand prize the princess kitchen set, whose box she's been staring at for weeks, so we could watch some basketball in peace. She was SO excited and she loves it, but then she pooped her pants. Tyler took it away for a while. Saturday morning when her pull-ups were still on, she pooped again and it somehow fell out onto the carpet. But she has been accident-free since Saturday afternoon. She even pooped on the potty at church yesterday! This morning she told me she had to go before I even asked her. That's progress! Overall things have been better than I expected. One of the worst parts, however, is how OCD she gets about doing everything herself. She's not very good at wiping herself yet, and every time we try to help she FREAKS out. Since the time she reached her hand in the toilet to get the piece of TP I threw in there, I've learned to just let it go. Here's a picture of her new kitchen set:

When she got it back after it was taken away, she just kept walking around clapping and saying, "Oh, this is my favorite toy I've ever had!" She is so funny when she's excited. Other funny things lately:

-A few weeks ago when Tyler had strep, Ada said to me, "Daddy has a tummy ache and I have a tummy ache. You have a back tummy ache and baby Kate has an eye tummy ache. We all have tummy aches!"

-I have these little bows I used to stick on Kate's head, and Ada always wants to put the pink ones in her hair. I told her they wouldn't stick and to go find something else. She thought a minute and said, "Glue?"

-While trying to feed Kate those Gerber puffs, she exclaimed, "Kate, you're supposed to eat them, not spit them out. Is this some kind of joke?"

-During FHE last week, Tyler asked her why the scriptures were important. Her reply was, "Because it says about potty training!"

-Today while playing with a toy that plays music, she said all in one breath, "It sounds like Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star! Can you say, 'How did you know it was Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star?!'"


Sabrina said...

I am so glad the potty training is going better. It sounds like it's been such a battle, but what a relief to get that almost behind you. Maybe Kate will be easier.

I find it fascinating how different each child's development is. Adie is still saying one word at a time, maybe 2 if we're lucky, and I want nothing more than for her to really be able to tell us what she wants. Then Ada, only 6 months older, is an amazing communicator and has been for so long. On the other hand, potty training Adie has been a cinch. We've only had a few accidents, and although I let Adie choose what type of underpants she wants to wear, and she still sometimes chooses diapers or pull-ups, I am confident leaving her in underwear now 24/7 because most of the time I throw away dry diapers and pull-ups all the time.

Kim said...

That girl cracks me up! I love it when you post the funny things she says. I'm going to need all of your potty training tactics. :) I'm nervous about crossing that bridge!