Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bucket List

I've been pondering this post for a while because Tyler and I recently crossed something off our respective bucket lists and I am about to cross off another. I'm sure I'll add more things as time goes on, but the following are what are currently on my mind:

-Attend an NFL game -- check! Tyler and I went to a Cowboys game in October and it was a pretty amazing place to go for a first game.

-Go to Hawaii (this is the one I'm about to check off! We found $99/each way tickets from Vegas to Honolulu and Ada is off track in February, so the whole family is road tripping it to Vegas and flying out from there. I've heard that Oahu is the crappiest island to visit, but at least I'll be realizing a childhood dream. I look forward to visiting other parts with just Tyler in the future :) )

-Travel to lots of other locations, including but not limited to New Zealand, Fiji, Great Britain (London, Scotland, etc.), Maldives, South Africa, Paris, etc. etc.

-Go skydiving

-Go to games at every MLB ballpark. So far I've been to 10 and I think Tyler's been to 16. We had tickets to a Rangers game but it got rained out :(

-Take an art class

-Attend an opera

-Read the complete works of Charles Dickens, George Eliot, and Jane Austen, as well as the unabridged Les Miserables

-Learn how to sing

-Start a blog that I can make money off of

-Grow my hair long enough to donate it

-Run a half marathon (starting small here)

-Do volunteer work in Africa

Hmm...kind of a small list. I'm sure I'll add to it as I think more. For now, this will have to do!


Bel said...

I say that sounds like a pretty nice bucket list. Congratulations on your upcoming trip to Hawaii, it will feel like heaven getting out of this cold weather, and those are amazing prizes for the the airline tickets, woohoo!! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear all about it!

Sabrina said...

I loved reading your bucket list and I so happy you're going to Hawaii! Allegiant? We thought about doing that this summer (just Brett and I), but I think we'll just go to Florida and see my bro graduate instead. Oahu is cool if you've never been there. I haven't been to any of the other islands and I enjoyed Oahu both times. However, the second time, I kind of wished we could go to the other islands, but Brett had never been so he needed to experience all that island offered and we still had a great time. You'll all love it!

I find, as I get older, my bucket list gets shorter. I guess I am losing my ambition in my old age. Not that I am unhappy, or have given up, I just don't have a strong desire to make sure I do too many things anymore. I am glad you still have a good strong spark in you. I hope you can hit all your bucket list items!

tysqui said...

Your forgot about making sweet, sweet love on the beach.