Wednesday, August 15, 2007

All Done!

Yesterday was the first day since Ada's birth that I didn't breastfeed her. I've been trying to wean her for over three weeks now, and it's been harder than I thought. She doesn't come begging to be fed (although I can tell she really enjoys it), and my body hasn't had a hard time adjusting. The hardest part has been trying to replace breast milk with something else. The very first day I offered her cow's milk she drank it after a few sittings. The next day she wouldn't touch it, and then we left for vacation, so we stopped trying. When we got back I bought strawberry Nesquik to flavor the milk, and she drank it. The next day she wouldn't touch it. In the meantime I had been dropping feedings until I was down to just one. I didn't want to just stop, though, because I wanted to make sure she was getting enough to eat. She's underweight (it will be a while before she can go in a front-facing carseat) and I didn't want her to starve. I started feeding her yogurt every day, and every once in a while she'd decide to take a few sips of milk. She still doesn't drink much, and I have to just set her cup out and let her drink it herself instead of trying to force it on her. I feed her Cheerios with milk in the mornings, and finally decided that she probably won't start wanting milk until the nursing is done. So I'm finished! It's a little sad, but I'm also excited. Even though I wasn't a big fan of breastfeeding at the beginning, I will miss it. My little girl is growing up!


McKell said...

YAY!! Time to celebrate!! I felt the same way it is hard to let them grow up and you do get accustomed to nursing, I still feel a little sad that I don't have that closeness anymore.. But you replace that with other things... Maelee was the same way with milk, finally I tried diluting it with water so she had a bottle of 6 oz water 2 oz of milk and slowly brought the milk up and water down now she drinks it just fine...

Jenn said...

Henry was on milk with Strawberry Nesquik for about 6 months after he turned one (in a bottle, not a cup). Then I started putting red food coloring in for a few weeks. Now he takes the milk plain -- but still in a bottle, much to his doctor's dismay. I can't get him to drink it in a cup, no matter what I do. These kids definitely have their own agendas! Good luck with the switch. I have decided I will breastfeed my next child a little bit longer than I did with Henry . . . I miss the extra calories it allows me to eat! I loved how my body felt while I was nursing!