Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The year is dying...

Actually, it died almost two weeks ago. I've been so lazy lately. My sister Emily has been in town the last little while and I keep thinking that I wish I was more like her. That girl never stops! She is the opposite of lazy.

Anyway, here is a recap of last month:

Kate started eating solids. She still struggles a bit, but she's getting better.

Kate turned 5 months. I've been taking a picture of her every month, and it's fun to compare.

Tyler and I went to his work Christmas party at La Caille. It was fun to dress up and pretend like we were rich.

Ada met Santa at our ward party and told him she wanted a Goofy toy. Kate was asleep, so didn't get to partake in the fun of sitting on a strange man's lap.

I did lots of baking, and even got a little help.

Went to several family parties, including the Lisonbee party where there was a pinata for the kids and a surprise visitor.

Kate got a turn this time. She was milliseconds away from crying, but then somehow changed her demeanor. This Santa gave her a little farm toy that makes noise.

Ada loved this Santa every bit as much as the last. He gave her a baby doll, which she lovingly named Chewybacon (thanks to Tyler's suggestion). She was so thrilled that she interrupted someone's else's lap time to thank him.

Tyler's parents acted out the nativity this year for the first time. Ada at first liked the idea...

...but then wasn't so thrilled. I had to take her upstairs so her screaming wouldn't disrupt.

Christmas Eve evening. I love the girls in matching jammies!

We had to wake Ada up Christmas morning, but she was thrilled to say the least. She didn't know what hit her.

Santa brought Ada a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and she has been obsessed with it since. She told me to open the rest of her presents because she just wanted to play with her clubhouse. She still sleeps with it, hugs it, and says she loves it.

Kate tried out her cousins' hew horse at Grandma's house.

Ada, of course, took a turn too.

My out-of-state siblings all came into town (except for Abby, who gets home in less than two months!), but we were only all together for one day. Here are all the dudes in an intense game of Blokus.

All in all, a great holiday season. I loved experiencing everything with Ada. Not much can top the year we had last year, but I think this year will be pretty darn good. I'm not one to get caught up in the doom and gloom that everyone is scared about. This year I hope to get more organized, lose the extra baby weight, and help my family eat healthier (among other things). Happy 2009!

1 comment:

Shiree said...

I love dressing up and pretending that I'm rich, too. You just need that a few times a year, I think. :)

That was nice of the royal princess to help with the baking!!