Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Two of 'um"

Ada's vocabulary is taking off like crazy! She's starting to put words together and say three-syllable words. She's not always consistent, but what child is? Words she's said for a while include 'all done', 'thank you', and 'more please', but recently she's said things like 'pretty flower' and our favorite, 'two of 'um'. She picked that one up from me. I say that to her when she's holding two of something, and I didn't think much of it until she started saying it back! She actually seems to know what it means. For example, the other day I asked her where her ear was and she pointed to it. She then pointed to her other ear and said, "Two of 'um". It's so cute! Her three-syllable words are 'basketball', 'applesauce', and 'animal'. She can tell the difference between football and basketball on TV (you can tell what we watch around here). It's so fun to watch her learn. She's a sweetie!


tysqui said...

I was reading a book (ok, a Target catalog) to Ada yesterday and there was a picture of two teddy bears on the page. I asked her where the bears were and she pointed to one and then the other, looked up at me and said "two of 'um" in the sweetest voice you could ever imagine. What a sweetie.

Jenn said...

I love that phrase! Henry actually says "two of 'um" also! It was so funny when he started saying it, because apparently it's something we as adults must say a lot without even realizing it. I love when they make you recognize things about yourself that you didn't even know. What a cutie!

Angie said...

I thought you were going to announce that you are having "two of 'um".

Sabrina said...

I had a dream last night that you kept saying two of 'um and you really pronounced the "'um" part to make sure I knew it wasn't them you were saying. I didn't realize how much blog posts affected me.

tysqui said...

On Sunday, Ada was looking at a tiny black-and-white picture of Joseph Smith's first vision. The picture has Joseph on his knees and God and Jesus in the air in front of him. Ada can easily point out Jesus, which she did, but then she looked a little harder at the picture before looking up and me saying "two of 'um". It was the cutest.