Tuesday, February 12, 2008

So, what do you like to do?

Saturday was a busy day. Tyler and I switched off going to the Worldwide Leadership Training meeting (our stake did two sessions) so neither of us had to bring Ada. It was excellent! At night we had lots of errands to run, but we decided to stop and get ice cream for fun. We found a coupon to Letherby's, so we went to the one on North Temple. That place is so good! (My siblings will be interested to know that I got the Black and Tan. It didn't seem as good as I remembered it, but it was still delicious.) There was a couple sitting next to us who were obviously on their first date. I missed the first part of the conversation, but the guy was telling the girl about his mom, and I heard, "She thought it was coconut milk coming out of his mouth, but I guess he had a lot of mucus built up..." WHAT? Oh, how I don't miss the days of dating! First dates are always awkward, even if you know the person really well. There's something about the word 'date' that somehow makes people act differently. Blind dates are even worse. I'm glad I'll never have to go through any of those fiascoes again (heaven forbid something happens to Tyler)!

Sunday was pretty crazy too. I had to do laundry in the morning because Ada peed in her bed. Then when I gave her a bath she pooped in the tub. Bad start. She was awful at church and Tyler had to take her home in the middle of Sacrament Meeting. She calmed down a bit after a good nap, but that child can be OOC sometimes!


Sabrina said...

Fun new look! Adie is getting to the point that we have to take her home from church early a lot now too. It's so hard when they miss a nap.

Angie said...

So if something happens to Tyler then you're going to start dating??

alisquire said...

No. I hate dating. I don't know why I said that.