Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Babe

Kate will be two weeks old tomorrow. Crazy! She's been a really good baby so far. She's not very fussy and she sleeps well. She likes to be held a lot, but what baby doesn't? My only frustrations are these:

1. She wants to eat every two hours or less. I try to push her as longer, but it's usually around two hours. It's not too bad, though, because she doesn't eat for a long time. Right now I can't get her to do it any other way. But at night she sleeps for a long time and I only have to feed her 1-2 times. Last night she slept until 5:38. Plus I can nap during the day, so I haven't been overly exhausted.
2. At night she takes a while to fall asleep. I just have to stay up and hold her and then hope she doesn't wake up when I set her down (which happens a lot). But once she sleeps, she's a good girl!

So really, there's not much to complain about. She even smiled at me the other day. Not like the smiles she does when she's sleeping, this was for reals. When she was awake I smiled at her and she smiled back. What a cutie.

Ada has been doing better. Yesterday was my first full day home alone with the girls. It also happened to be Ada's birthday, so she was really good all day. Today was a little worse, but not too bad. She's really adjusting fast.

Recovery the second time around is so much better. I've felt great and been able to get things done around the house. I don't know what my problem was when Ada was little, but I really struggled.

Did anyone else get a really bad storm last night? I've never seen so much lightning in my life! Then the rain came and it was crazy! It was really loud and Tyler and I couldn't sleep. It was a crazy storm!


Rachelle said...

Kate looks so much like you in that picture, I love it!! I'm glad that Ada is adjusting, what sweet girls you have!

JTENMAN said...

We had a crazy storm, but I couldn't sleep for another reason - it was too hot. Then my wife closed the window because of the storm and that made things worse...I ended up on the couch most the night :) Kate is looking good and it is good to hear she is doing pretty well.

Angie said...

I love her!

Kim said...

Yay...happy birthday Ada! I'm glad things are going well with Kate. Can't wait to see her!

Amber said...

Two weeks has flown by! We're having the same problem with falling asleep, all I can do is hope she doesn't wake up when I put her down (which she always does!) Kate is such a cutie!

Shiree said...

I love her nose. It looks like a grown-up nose, if that makes any sense!

alisquire said...

That's so funny, Shiree--my mom said the exact same thing!

Rachel said...

Congratulations on your new baby, It sounds like you are adjusting to life with two. Taking two to the doctor can be CRAZY!!