I haven't done an update on them in a while. Most of this stuff is old news, but I have to document everything they've been saying and doing before I forget it.
When they're not fighting, they're the best of friends. They are starting to play really well together, which is so great for me! Ada always wants Kate to play with her and gets very upset when Kate doesn't want to. Kate loves to do whatever Ada is doing. They love to chase each other around the house and laugh. Ada used to be the one to make Kate laugh, but Kate has become quite the little comedienne. I love watching them together.
-Loves to look at letters and can identify several. Her favorite is 'W'. Whenever she is coloring, she makes us write her name and a 'W' on the paper. She even makes her Nursery leaders write 'Ws' on her pictures. The other day after Tyler wrote one, she said, "Oh, a 'W'. That's wonderful!"
-Sleeps past 7:00 a.m. most mornings. It is much better than days past. I'm still tempted to put on a show and go back to sleep, but I usually exercise instead. She is a great napper and often tells me she wants to go to bed before I have the chance to put her down.
-Is interested in the potty but hasn't 'gone' yet. A while ago she wanted to sit on the toilet. After sitting with no results, she said, "It's not working."
-Is obsessed with picking at things. She can't see a sticker or anything taped or glued without trying to pull it off. She often sits on the floor picking "yucky things" out of her toes. The other day she was doing this and said, "Oops! I skipped one!"
-Is a wanderer. We have to constantly watch her when we're outside or away from home. She tries to run in the road a lot. She likes to escape outside at our parents' houses. She's crazy!
-Says, "No way!" with a mischievous look on her face whenever I ask her to do something.
-Is also somewhat obsessed with boogers. I think she has allergies because her nose has been stuffy for months. A while back I asked her if I could see her boogies and she replied, "No. Boogies nigh-night."
-Has a thing for her uncles Jordan, Scott, Kevin, and Spencer (Dude). She loves to talk about them and play with them. She has also taken a liking to her aunt Korrin and the other day said, "Korrin's beautiful."
-Can be such a peacemaker. Whenever Ada is upset (which is quite often), she says, "Sorry, Ada.", even if it has nothing to do with her. Whenever she has something that Ada wants, she ALWAYS gives it to Ada to make her happy. She is so sweet. She's so young to be sharing things, but I'm not complaining! I just hope Ada's not getting too spoiled by it.
-Loves to color, but has to be supervised because she usually ends up coloring on the table. She's not allowed to color with markers.
-Is almost two. :(
-Has been going to bed way too late every night and has therefore been pretty grumpy. Bedtime is not my favorite. After putting her down every night, she knocks on the door several times with silly little requests. She always asks for food and a drink. She has lately been asking for night lights. A few times she has said that she wants me to hang the flower on her wall a different way. Oh, the things she comes up with to try and stay up a few extra minutes! I don't know how to put an end to this nonsense.
-Loves to be silly. She makes up silly words and names all the time.
-Loves to sing. She makes up songs that go on and on. She is very good at memorizing songs. I've worked with her on a few and she has picked them up very quickly.
-Loves to color and draw with markers. She loves to draw princesses and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters. She is getting good at it. I'll have to post pictures.
-Has said a few funny things lately. One day around 3:00 p.m. she asked me if it was still morning. I told her it was afternoon. "Does that come after morning?" "Yes, and evening comes after afternoon." Her reply? "Let me sing the Skidamarink song to see." She didn't trust me, I guess. Also, Tyler asked her once what a cousin was. She said, "Cousins are friends that go to Grandma's house."
-Sleeps in most mornings. If only her sister would follow her example!
-Still refuses to wear anything but dresses or skirts. I'm lucky I got her to wear jeans for the snow angel picture!
-Is almost four. :( Months ago I saw a cute idea for a Minnie Mouse birthday party and wanted to do it for her. Soon afterward she decided that she did NOT like Minnie anymore. She became obsessed with Daisy and always tried to make me tell stories or play games where Minnie was mean to Daisy. So, I decided to throw her an Ariel party and do the Minnie one for Kate. I recently started planning everything, and now she decided that she loves Minnie and only wants a Minnie party. I've had to tweak some things, but I think it will work out well having an Ariel party for Kate and a Minnie one for Ada.