Dear Ada,
It's late and I'm too hot and uncomfortable to sleep right now. I can't stop thinking about you, so I decided to get up and write you my first letter. Our family will be going through a couple of huge changes in the next month. I'm not too worried about you adjusting to a new house with tons more space to play in, but I am a little worried about how you'll handle having a little sister around. It will be a big adjustment for me too. I can't even fathom it. I can't imagine having to share the love I have for you with someone else, let alone my attention. It makes me sad when I think about things from your perspective. I think you're going to have a hard time for a little while, but please know that I had only you in mind when thinking about the timing of having another baby. It would be so easy to have only you for another year or two and wait until you can understand things better. But hopefully you will appreciate having a sibling (especially a sister!) so close in age to you. Emily and I are less than two years apart and we grew up being the best of friends. We got to share a year of jr. high and high school and we've always been pretty close (even though I had plenty of mean big sister moments). I'm sure you'll have your struggles with your sister, especially for the first little while and probably when you're teenagers, but hopefully you'll have an infinite number of great times together. I love all my sisters and I'm thrilled that you will have a sister too. I hope you can one day appreciate the sacrifices your father and I are making (and will make) for you. You bring us so much joy and we're so lucky to have such a sweet, smart, and beautiful daughter. We love you so much and want only the best for you.
Love, Mommy
Aww, got me all teary there. She will love having a little sister. It might be weird for her at first, but she'll get used to it in no time! Good luck with everything in the next month!
That was a beautiful letter Al.
Ada IS such a smart, gorgeous girl. I bet it no time she will be your little helper. Just so ya know I would be happy to take Ada anytime you would like after you have your baby! Even for a few nights. Shelby is always asking for her and looking at her in our picture book.
That's so sweet. I'm close to my sisters too, and I think it will be a HUGE blessing to all of you to have these cute sisters! Good luck!
That is such a cute letter. She will love to read it when she gets older. You will do great with two cute girls.
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