Last night I was awakened by Ada, who was crying. I went into her room and immediately knew that she'd thrown up. It was so stinky! Way worse than last time. I almost puked myself just smelling it. The poor thing was just sitting up in bed crying. I had to change her sheets and jammies, and Tyler got up and held her while I cleaned everything up. Unfortunately, she threw up again all over his shirt! After we got everything under control, I laid on the couch with her and she threw up again (although she was mostly gagging since there was almost nothing left in her)! Luckily I had a bowl near and caught most of it. She soon fell right asleep, but started moving around so much I put her back in bed. Luckily there have been no incidents since then. I feel so bad. She went almost three days without puking, but she's been acting unhappy and hasn't been eating hardly anything. Looks like another lazy day on the couch!
Oh, and what's up with all the snow?
And in reference to my last post, GO MEMPHIS!!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Two Cuties
Snow and Swimming
On Thursday we woke up to lots of snow on the ground. It was not a welcome sight (nor was the snow this morning). So I decided to bring up the little plastic pool from the laundry room and let Ada swim in the kitchen since there's so much space. Her friends Ashton and Charlotte came too. Ada loved watching me fill up the pool, and was excited to get in. So excited that she splashed like crazy and drew Ashton and Charlotte away. The floor was completely soaked! But she loved every minute of it. Check out the cute suit I got her in Park City. It was fun to do something different since we couldn't go outside. By the time we finished, the snow was all melted and it turned out to be a pretty nice day. Bring on the warm weather!

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Jammies are dirty
Yesterday was not a very pleasant day. Ada woke us up early, and she had thrown up all over her bed. She also had a little bit of diarrhea. I had to wash her sheets, blankets, stuffed animals, books, pajamas, etc. because it was seriously all over everything. And I had to immediately bathe Ada because it was caked in her hair too. She kept saying, "Jammies are dirty!" Luckily, she hasn't puked or pooped since then, but she's still sick. She has a fever and has been pretty lethargic, which is unheard of for her. Even when she has a cold or something else, she just can't sit still, but all she wants to do is lie on the couch and watch TV. She even asked to get in her bed at 11:15, three hours before nap time! Poor little thing is still like that today, but she's at Grandma Squire's with Tyler because I hosted book club at the apartment. Hopefully she's been able to have some fun playing a little bit.
Thursday didn't start out too great either, but ended up being a fun day. I'll post about it as soon as we put pictures on the computer.
Thursday didn't start out too great either, but ended up being a fun day. I'll post about it as soon as we put pictures on the computer.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Short sleeve weather
The weather has been so nice the last few days. Yesterday it was in the 60s, and today is supposed to be just as nice. I love it! Easter was nice too, although not quite as warm. It was fun to wear my new Easter dress and put Ada in hers. She looked so adorable (her hair is a little messy in the pictures since Tyler had the camera and we couldn't take any until evening). Since Tyler flew in from California on Easter, we didn't do anything for Ada until last night. We did an egg hunt for her outside. She had lots of fun, and looked cute in her new shirt and flip-flops (I went buck wild in Park City while Tyler was gone and spent way too much money, but I got tons of good deals for myself and the girls!). Here are a few pictures:

Thursday, March 20, 2008
I'm sitting here home alone (well, Ada's in bed) and I don't feel like doing much. I've been watching basketball practically all day. I think the last of today's games just finished. The Jazz are playing, but they're getting killed by the Lakers. I'm disappointed that BYU lost. I should have seen it coming, though. This year for them has been eerily similar to last year. I wish Belmont would have pulled off the upset against Duke. They were so close! I had a feeling Kansas State was going to beat USC, so I'm glad I picked them. Why the heck did I pick Baylor to beat Purdue though? Anyway, it's a fun and exciting time of year. Too bad Tyler isn't around to enjoy it with me. He gets to see games in person, but misses seeing lots of other good ones! I haven't really done anything today, but I have big plans to go shopping and hang out in Park City tomorrow. The one good part about Tyler leaving every year is that I get to buy stuff! It is very therapeutic for me.
Ada has seemed a lot better the last two days. Her cough is still around, but it seems to be getting better. I can tell she's feeling better. She did throw a mother of a tantrum today, but it was because I got sick of blowing bubbles and put them back in the cupboard. She just can't get enough of a good thing I guess. But I was so happy that after playing outside for a while today, she didn't object when I brought her in. Phew! Those times seem to trigger the worst fits.
That is all. I suppose I'll go to bed.
Ada has seemed a lot better the last two days. Her cough is still around, but it seems to be getting better. I can tell she's feeling better. She did throw a mother of a tantrum today, but it was because I got sick of blowing bubbles and put them back in the cupboard. She just can't get enough of a good thing I guess. But I was so happy that after playing outside for a while today, she didn't object when I brought her in. Phew! Those times seem to trigger the worst fits.
That is all. I suppose I'll go to bed.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ada update
Today I broke down and took Ada to the doctor. Her cough has gotten a little bit worse, but that's not the main reason I decided to take her in. She has been inconsolable at times. It's worse than her normal fits. I don't know what to do with her when this happens, and she seems really sad. It makes me sad too! We had to wait quite a while to get called back. Ada was really good for the first half (she remembered that they had fish and she couldn't wait to go see them) but after a while she was out of control. I just had to endure the stares and wait until they finally called our name. She was mad the whole time waiting for the doctor and the whole time he was checking on her. The only thing he could really find wrong was a slight ear infection, so he gave us some antibiotics. Hopefully those will help with her cough and stuff too. Poor thing. He brought in a basket of suckers at the end and let Ada chose one. After choosing a purple one, she said, "Thank you, doctor." She hasn't been too bad since then. I hope this all stops soon, especially since Tyler is leaving tomorrow!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Bitter with lots of sweet
Yesterday was somewhat of a bittersweet day, although it really was more of a good day than a bad one. I'll start with the bitter:
Ada started getting sick. She actually had a fever on Friday, and then got a runny nose and nasty cough on Saturday. She's about the same today, so we kept her home from church. She just doesn't seem too happy and doesn't want to eat much (except, of course, candy). We found out this morning that her friend Ashton went to the ER for croup, so we thought that's what she had too, but her symptoms are different. Hopefully she doesn't get worse. We've been really lucky, though, because until now Ada and I have stayed healthy this whole horrible winter. That's pretty amazing, since I usually get sick multiple times and because so much crap has been going around. We didn't even catch it when Tyler got it.
BYU lost the conference championship game to UNLV. I've thought all season that UNLV would win since they're on their home court, but I felt pretty good about BYU after the way they'd been playing and the way UNLV was squeaking by opponents. Toward the end of the game when it was still within reach, I told Tyler that as long as Wink Adams didn't start making 3's then BYU still had a chance. Well, just seconds later he hit a 3, and followed that with another 3, a tough bank shot, and yet another 3. Sheesh! That guy's good. But, as long as BYU gets a decent seed I won't feel so bad. Also, the Jazz lost a game that I for sure thought they had. They were up at the end, but managed to give it away to the Nets. I swear, they can't win in New Jersey! I was hoping they'd sneak past the Spurs to get home court advantage if they happen to meet in the playoffs. I guess the season isn't over yet...
Well, now on to the sweet:
We went up to Layton for the Squires' annual Easter egg hunt, but we went up early so I could go to a Chloe Reese sale with Tyler's sisters. I've gotten most of Ada's hair clips and headbands from there. They had TONS of stuff and I got way more than I'd planned on. But there were some awesome deals, like certain clips for $1 and headbands for $2. I went buck wild and spent $27, but I got tons of good stuff that normally would have cost way more than that. (Tyler's sisters both spent more than I did, so I didn't feel too bad showing him all that I got.) For some reason, buying lots of cute stuff like that makes me really happy. Clothes for myself and Ada (and now the new baby) also fall into that category. They say that money doesn't buy happiness, but I was sure happy after my purchases!
The egg hunt was fun, despite the snow that kept falling. Grandma and Grandpa Squire did one hunt for all the grandkids, and Ada had fun finding all the yellow eggs. Besides candy, she got a cute skirt outfit, sand toys, and a few dollars. She didn't seem to be feeling too bad until the evening, so she had fun most of the day. We also got a bath toy and some nightgowns for the new baby. For the adult hunt, Tyler's parents always put money in some of the eggs, so people are always more concerned about finding those than candy. Tyler and I ended up with the jackpot, together bringing in $104! It's usually a little more even than that (the next closest couple got $31, and the rest got in the teens). Everybody also got a pair of flip-flops. It was very generous of Tyler's parents, and lots of fun because the Bischoffs were in town for it this time. We had to stop by the grocery store afterwards, and Tyler must have been feeling the extra weight in his pocket because he bought Pringles, peach Fresca, and six boxes of Girl Scout cookies! We also bought a bunch of Easter candy for next week. Don't be too surprised if next time you see the three of us we have black teeth and/or some extra bulk packed on!
Ada started getting sick. She actually had a fever on Friday, and then got a runny nose and nasty cough on Saturday. She's about the same today, so we kept her home from church. She just doesn't seem too happy and doesn't want to eat much (except, of course, candy). We found out this morning that her friend Ashton went to the ER for croup, so we thought that's what she had too, but her symptoms are different. Hopefully she doesn't get worse. We've been really lucky, though, because until now Ada and I have stayed healthy this whole horrible winter. That's pretty amazing, since I usually get sick multiple times and because so much crap has been going around. We didn't even catch it when Tyler got it.
BYU lost the conference championship game to UNLV. I've thought all season that UNLV would win since they're on their home court, but I felt pretty good about BYU after the way they'd been playing and the way UNLV was squeaking by opponents. Toward the end of the game when it was still within reach, I told Tyler that as long as Wink Adams didn't start making 3's then BYU still had a chance. Well, just seconds later he hit a 3, and followed that with another 3, a tough bank shot, and yet another 3. Sheesh! That guy's good. But, as long as BYU gets a decent seed I won't feel so bad. Also, the Jazz lost a game that I for sure thought they had. They were up at the end, but managed to give it away to the Nets. I swear, they can't win in New Jersey! I was hoping they'd sneak past the Spurs to get home court advantage if they happen to meet in the playoffs. I guess the season isn't over yet...
Well, now on to the sweet:
We went up to Layton for the Squires' annual Easter egg hunt, but we went up early so I could go to a Chloe Reese sale with Tyler's sisters. I've gotten most of Ada's hair clips and headbands from there. They had TONS of stuff and I got way more than I'd planned on. But there were some awesome deals, like certain clips for $1 and headbands for $2. I went buck wild and spent $27, but I got tons of good stuff that normally would have cost way more than that. (Tyler's sisters both spent more than I did, so I didn't feel too bad showing him all that I got.) For some reason, buying lots of cute stuff like that makes me really happy. Clothes for myself and Ada (and now the new baby) also fall into that category. They say that money doesn't buy happiness, but I was sure happy after my purchases!
The egg hunt was fun, despite the snow that kept falling. Grandma and Grandpa Squire did one hunt for all the grandkids, and Ada had fun finding all the yellow eggs. Besides candy, she got a cute skirt outfit, sand toys, and a few dollars. She didn't seem to be feeling too bad until the evening, so she had fun most of the day. We also got a bath toy and some nightgowns for the new baby. For the adult hunt, Tyler's parents always put money in some of the eggs, so people are always more concerned about finding those than candy. Tyler and I ended up with the jackpot, together bringing in $104! It's usually a little more even than that (the next closest couple got $31, and the rest got in the teens). Everybody also got a pair of flip-flops. It was very generous of Tyler's parents, and lots of fun because the Bischoffs were in town for it this time. We had to stop by the grocery store afterwards, and Tyler must have been feeling the extra weight in his pocket because he bought Pringles, peach Fresca, and six boxes of Girl Scout cookies! We also bought a bunch of Easter candy for next week. Don't be too surprised if next time you see the three of us we have black teeth and/or some extra bulk packed on!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Let the Madness begin!
Yesterday was the official start of the conference tournaments for all of the "good" conferences in college basketball. We don't even know which teams are going to the tourney yet, but the madness has already begun! In the MWC alone there were three very exciting games that went down to the wire. The UNLV/TCU game was one of the best I've seen in a long time (too bad TCU couldn't pull it off in the end). The Utah/New Mexico game was great too. Tyler and I stayed up past midnight to see Utah win in overtime. Poor New Mexico is probably out of the tournament now. I love this time of year (except for the fact that Tyler always leaves me for half a week)! I hope this year there are more upsets than last, and I hope BYU actually gets a decent seed!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I was planning on blogging tonight about how the Jazz suck on the road, but what do you know? They came back and pulled off the victory in Milwaukee. Good thing! I'm scared for the Boston game on Friday. I've always loved the Jazz. I love watching the games and I love most of the players. The ultimate would be for them to win the title. I don't even know what I would do if that happened! I've never been so bummed in my life as when they lost to the Bulls in the finals two years in a row. I still have vivid memories of bad calls that should have gone the Jazz's way. I don't know if this is their year because they do have tons of trouble on the road (although they're AWESOME at home), but in a couple of years, WATCH OUT!
Ada loves watching the Jazz too. She says things like, "Go Jazz!" and "Go Booz!" I think he's her favorite. She's so cute. She's gonna be a little sports fan just like her parents. Here's a recent picture of her that I have to post because I just can't get over how adorable she is (and Tyler's a looker too):

Finally, a shout-out goes to Grandpa Lisonbee (Tyler's grandpa). I went to Costco yesterday with my friend Rachel and we ran into him there. He waited for us at the check-out and asked me if he could pay for my stuff. I felt dumb because I only had two silly things: tanning lotion and a dress for Ada. But he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, so I'm really grateful to him for that!
Ada loves watching the Jazz too. She says things like, "Go Jazz!" and "Go Booz!" I think he's her favorite. She's so cute. She's gonna be a little sports fan just like her parents. Here's a recent picture of her that I have to post because I just can't get over how adorable she is (and Tyler's a looker too):

Finally, a shout-out goes to Grandpa Lisonbee (Tyler's grandpa). I went to Costco yesterday with my friend Rachel and we ran into him there. He waited for us at the check-out and asked me if he could pay for my stuff. I felt dumb because I only had two silly things: tanning lotion and a dress for Ada. But he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, so I'm really grateful to him for that!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Farmington, Fajitas, and Fondue

Yesterday was a fun day. Ada and I went with Rachel and Ashton to the Farmington Fairgrounds for a kid and baby clothes consignment sale. Most of the clothes were used, but there were some really great deals. For the new baby, I bought three dresses, two pairs of jeans, two shirts, and an outfit. I couldn't find many good clothes for Ada, so I just bought her some hair bows (they were new). They had lots of cute summer shoes, but none in her size. I spent a total of $27. Not too shabby!
In the evening, Morgan came over and we made fajitas and fondue. Her grandma gave her a bunch of steaks that she graciously shared, so we had fun cooking for Tyler & Jordan. I made peanut butter bars (minus the frosting) to dip in chocolate fondue, along with strawberries. Everything was delish! Ada just loves Jordan and Morgan.
Ada was good all day. At the consignment sale, I just let her hold a huge stuffed Elmo that was for sale, and she stayed in her stroller the whole time without hardly making a peep! I was very grateful. She hasn't thrown a major tantrum since those two monstrous ones earlier in the week. She still throws little ones every day, but those seem easy now! She gets the most mad when we have to come in from being outside. This is bad, but the only way I can get her to come in without making a huge fuss is to tell her I have a treat (and of course I have to hold up my end of the bargain when we come in). She's started taking long naps again, but at night lately she only wants Tyler to put her down. Also, she used to LOVE getting in the tub, but now she'll only get in if one of us gets in with her. Overall, though, she's been a pretty good girl and I just love spending time with her.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Terrible Indeed!

Wow, just when I thought Ada's tantrums couldn't get any worse, yesterday and today happened! I've never seen anything like it in my life. Yesterday we had to take our Prizm to the shop, and Ada fell asleep in the car. She woke up when Tyler was carrying her in and never went back to sleep. I took her outside for a while, and the meltdown happened when I brought her back in. I put her in bed, hoping she'd cry herself to sleep, but nothing seemed to calm her. She was screaming at the top of her lungs and throwing a huge fit. She wouldn't let me hold her or do anything. Sitting in front of the TV was the only thing that made her stop, so needless to say, she watched WAY too much television yesterday.
Well, I was hoping that was a one-time deal, but today it was actually worse. (Besides Ada, we found out our car needs a new clutch, which will cost over $800 to fix. Just 3 1/2 years ago that car got a new clutch (I'm sure Rachelle remembers well our trip to Spokane) and we haven't put that many miles on it since.) We went outside to put clothes in the dryer and walk to the office to pay rent. I let her play on the playground for a while and she had lots of fun. She was even good and pushed the stroller into the laundry room for me. The clothes weren't quite done, so we hung out down there for a few minutes. She was having a blast playing with my keys and an empty storage unit, when all of the the sudden she got really mad at something and just snapped. She flung herself on the dirty cement floor, and thus began another tantrum. I had quite the time carrying her and the laundry back upstairs, and then she just went wild. I shut her in her room for a few minutes, and she started knocking everything over and throwing things, while screaming and crying like a lunatic. I finally went in and she was hitting the wall with her hands. I tried to pick her up to calm her, but that only made her worse. I finally stuck her in bed for a few minutes, and when I went to pick her up again she finally calmed down. She was really good for lunch and Sesame Street. She's been asleep for three hours and is still snoozing.
I know the Terrible Twos will likely last a long time, but please don't let her act like this in public! I don't know how to handle her at home, so who knows what I'd do at the store or somewhere else. Oh, and siblings, please spare me the comments on how she takes after her mother. I've heard it plenty! Apparently when I was two my parents had to reverse the locks on the bathroom door and lock me in there until I'd calm down. I guess I was really naughty. I hope she doesn't make a habit of this! She's much more fun when she's happy.
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