Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Terrible Indeed!

Wow, just when I thought Ada's tantrums couldn't get any worse, yesterday and today happened! I've never seen anything like it in my life. Yesterday we had to take our Prizm to the shop, and Ada fell asleep in the car. She woke up when Tyler was carrying her in and never went back to sleep. I took her outside for a while, and the meltdown happened when I brought her back in. I put her in bed, hoping she'd cry herself to sleep, but nothing seemed to calm her. She was screaming at the top of her lungs and throwing a huge fit. She wouldn't let me hold her or do anything. Sitting in front of the TV was the only thing that made her stop, so needless to say, she watched WAY too much television yesterday.

Well, I was hoping that was a one-time deal, but today it was actually worse. (Besides Ada, we found out our car needs a new clutch, which will cost over $800 to fix. Just 3 1/2 years ago that car got a new clutch (I'm sure Rachelle remembers well our trip to Spokane) and we haven't put that many miles on it since.) We went outside to put clothes in the dryer and walk to the office to pay rent. I let her play on the playground for a while and she had lots of fun. She was even good and pushed the stroller into the laundry room for me. The clothes weren't quite done, so we hung out down there for a few minutes. She was having a blast playing with my keys and an empty storage unit, when all of the the sudden she got really mad at something and just snapped. She flung herself on the dirty cement floor, and thus began another tantrum. I had quite the time carrying her and the laundry back upstairs, and then she just went wild. I shut her in her room for a few minutes, and she started knocking everything over and throwing things, while screaming and crying like a lunatic. I finally went in and she was hitting the wall with her hands. I tried to pick her up to calm her, but that only made her worse. I finally stuck her in bed for a few minutes, and when I went to pick her up again she finally calmed down. She was really good for lunch and Sesame Street. She's been asleep for three hours and is still snoozing.

I know the Terrible Twos will likely last a long time, but please don't let her act like this in public! I don't know how to handle her at home, so who knows what I'd do at the store or somewhere else. Oh, and siblings, please spare me the comments on how she takes after her mother. I've heard it plenty! Apparently when I was two my parents had to reverse the locks on the bathroom door and lock me in there until I'd calm down. I guess I was really naughty. I hope she doesn't make a habit of this! She's much more fun when she's happy.


Rachelle said...

I feel your pain. Sometimes Shelby gets inconsolable and wild with a tantrum and there's no stopping her. I just have to lock her in her room, but I havent figured out what to do when she starts throwing stuff in her room. But sometimes she is in there for a half hour!

Angie said...

Sounds like maybe she gets it from both sides...