Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 1 as a single mom

Last night Ada and I dropped Tyler off at the airport. He's gone until Sunday morning. In a few weeks, we're all flying to Chicago, so we've been telling Ada that she gets to ride on an airplane. This time, though, we said that Daddy was going on an airplane, but I think she got confused and wanted to go on herself. I'm such a baby anyway, so I was sad when Tyler left, and then the whole way home Ada was crying and screaming "Ride on an airplane!" Poor thing. It was not a pleasant moment. But she went to bed fine and we both slept well (one nice thing is that I get the whole bed to myself), but this morning Ada threw up again! Just what I feared. But at least she wasn't in her bed, so I don't have more laundry to do. I was holding her and she threw up on the floor. Poor little Ada. She seems a little more lethargic today. I hope she's okay. We'll see how the rest of the week goes!


Becky said...

That's really weird that she keeps throwing up. How long has it been going on? I hate when Josh goes out of town. I always try and keep myself busy so time goes faster!

Rachelle said...

My friend's son had something like this where he kept randomly throwing up about once a day for a few weeks and they said he had a mild form of roceola. Maybe something like this is going on?? No fun.