Monday, January 28, 2008

Crazy little monkey

Ada is starting to get quite the imagination. She's forcing me to be creative, too, because she requests a lot of things that don't seem possible. Most of this involves dressing up her stuffed animals. She loves to dress herself up, and now she loves to dress up her toys too (see the snowman post). Here are a few examples (and a few pictures):

-She loves putting bowls on her head and calls them 'hats'. She kept trying to put one on her Elmo's head, but the bowl was way too big. She was getting really mad, so I found a little plastic container that was about his size and that satisfied her. Except I had to put her coat on him too. So here is a picture of Elmo looking like one stylin' astronaut.

-She loves shoes and boots and always wants me to put them on her animals. She was begging for these galoshes to be put on Elmo, but I put them on her bear because he has bigger legs and they actually stay on him.

-She always wants to put her binkies in her toys' mouths, and most of the time that's impossible. I finally attached one to her rubber ducky with a hair elastic so she would finally shut up.

-She loves putting her animals in her high chair, and the other day she put her 2 1/2-inch plastic Elmo and Cookie Monster in there and was begging for them to wear her bib (she calls it 'beeb'). I just had to set it down and stand them up in the neck hole to make her happy.

She is very demanding lately! We try not to spoil her and try to ignore her when she has fits. But she's so fun and always makes us laugh. She loves to climb on everything, especially chairs (which she calls 'chairies'; she likes to add a 'y' or 's' to lots of words). She loves to pretend to read books, sometimes to her animals. One sad thing is that she won't let us sing to her anymore. She associates it with going to bed, so she starts shaking her head and repeating 'no', even if it's nowhere near bedtime. We can sometimes get away with fun songs with actions, but I do miss singing to her. Hopefully it's just a phase.

Finally, here's a slideshow of her portraits from JC Penney. What a cutie!


tysqui said...

Ada is certainly a silly girl. You have a knack for telling these stories about Ada. She'll love to read these when she's older.

Shanny said...

Those photos slay me! Now, if only that bear was wearing a swimsuit with the galoshes. . .

Sabrina said...

That post cracked me up - laughing out loud at the computer screen. Kids are hilarious. Her pictures are very adorable.

Becky said...

I had to laugh at all the crazy requests Ada has. Amelia is getting more like that. Those pictures turned out way cute!

alisquire said...

Swimsuit! I love it! Perhaps that can be arranged...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom! You do tell the best stories about me! And why wouldn't you! I am so cute and funny!

Rachelle said...

AL-You do have a knack for telling stories. You always crack me up. That is hilarious about all those silly demands. I love it.