Monday, January 7, 2008

Everybody Likes the Nursery

A miracle happened in our home yesterday: Ada slept in until 10:20! She was actually awake around 8:20 because she woke me up, but by the time I finally forced myself out of bed, she was back asleep. Tyler and I decided that since she got so much sleep, we'd try putting her in Nursery instead of taking her home early for a nap. She doesn't turn 18 months until the 22nd, but we figured she was close enough. Tyler didn't have any trouble dropping her off. As soon as she sees something fun, she forgets about Mom and Dad. After church when I was walking down the hallway, I heard loud, sinister laughter. "That's Ada!", I said to the girl next to me. I peeked in and the leaders were blowing bubbles. They kept laughing because Ada was laughing so hard. She was having a ball! They said she was really good, so we were so glad! It was the first time Tyler and I have both stayed the whole time at church in a very long time.

My family will get a kick out of this post because they probably all think of me when Nursery is mentioned. First, my dad had to make up a special song about Nursery to get me to want to go when I was old enough. It is fittingly titled, "Everybody Likes the Nursery". Second, I'm notorious for being naughty in the Nursery. I don't know if this is a real memory or something I made up in my head, but as far as I know I stole my friend Michelle's cookie when her mom was substituting and I had to stand in the corner. When my mom came to get me, I said, "I was naughty in the Nursery." For some reason my family members still talk about that. I was the naughtiest child my mom had (at least when I was little), so there are plenty of stories that are still frequently mentioned and laughed about.


Unknown said...

That's awesome that she slept in! And how about that- Nursery will be a savior to us in a couple of months too- not that we don't LOVE to follow Grace around in the hallways during Sunday school and such, but it will be nice to get something out of those classes in the near future. :) How fun! She is growing up so fast!
And how are you feeling???

Angie said...

Hopefully Ada won't take after you and will behave herself in the nursery.

Sabrina said...

Good for Ada! I am already looking forward to nursery and we've still got six months to go :)

Spencer said...

Care to elaborate on the "at least when I was little" statement?

alisquire said...

Come on, Dude, I'm not so naughty now, am I? I think either Abby or Ang took over the role as the naughtiest.

Spencer said...

Well, we know it wasn't Deace.